Abhinav Dwivedi

A data scientist with a passion for harmonizing data, music, and flavors.


Computer Science Computer Intelligence Data & Computing


Machine Learning.
Software Engineering.

Operating Systems

Linux, Windows

Applied ML

Classification, Regression, and Forecasting
Tools: NumPy, sklearn, spaCy, xgboost etc.

Deep Learning and Research

Natural Language Processing, Speech Engineering & Acoustic Modeling, Computer Vision (Image Classification).
Tools: PyTorch, Tensorboard.

Business Intelligence

Alteryx, Tableau, MS Excel, PowerBI, SQL, Pandas

Cloud Technologies

AWS EC2 and S3, Azure Databricks, PySpark

Software Development

Python, Flask, Git, C++,
Strong knowledge in OOP and Software Engineering.

Human Languages

Hindi and English : Proficient
Italian : Fluent.
German : Basic Skills


Masters Degree

Data Science and Business Informatics at UniPi
Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to a 2 years Masters degree). Graduation Year : 2020

Bachelor of Technology

Graduated in Bachelor of Technology from SMVDU.
4 years degree, equivalent to Bachelor of Science, in Computer Science and Engineering. Graduated in July, 2017.

Employement History

Data Scientist July 2022 - Present

Projects related to Machine Learning, Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing and Data Engineering pipeline.

Translated Srl. Logo

Machine Learning Engineer Sep 2019 -Nov 2020

Projects related to Neural Machine Translation, Neural Text to Speech Synthesis, Machine Learning and Information Retrieval.


Send me an email.

Abhinav Dwivedi
Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh